Collection 250 will assemble 250 of the finest works of American art for our U.S. embassies. Acquired by FAPE thanks to the generosity of artists and donors, the collection will reflect America’s history, diversity, and freedom of expression, as well as the breadth and depth of our artistic achievements in all media. Art from all 50 states will be represented and it will include paintings, sculptures, works on paper, photography, decorative objects, crafts, indigenous, tribal and folk art.
Artists in the collection include:
Joshua Abelow Josef Albers Stephen Antonakos Richard Artschwager Chris Astley John Baldessari Jonathan Becker Larry Bell Lynda Benglis Fletcher Benton Eric Berg Stephen Blumrich Chesley Bonestell Lee Bontecou Jonathan Borofsky Chris Burden Alexander Calder Chuck Close Bob Colacello William Conlon Brian D. Dailey Jim Dine Richard Dupont Louise Eastman Richard Estes Frank Gehry Robert Gober Ryan Gobuty Ron Gorchov Richard Haas Ann Hamilton David Hammons David Hayes Carmen Herrera Alice Hope Jasper Johns Roberto Juarez Y.Z. Kami Deborah Kass Alex Katz Ellsworth Kelly Jeff Koons Sol LeWitt Sylvia Plimack Mangold Brice Marden Julie Mehretu Duane Michals Alberto Mijangos Malcolm Morley Robert Motherwell Bruce Nauman Louise Nevelson Don Nice Gwen Norton Odili Donald Odita Claes Oldenburg Raquel Rabinovich Willi Rauhut Robert Rauschenberg Man Ray James Rosenquist Susan Rothenberg Ed Ruscha Juan Sánchez Julian Schnabel Jon Schueler Sean Scully Richard Serra Joel Shapiro Sara Sosnowy Sarah Sze Richard Tuttle Kiichi Usui Diana Walker Andy Warhol Carrie Mae Weems Stanley Whitney Jamie Wyeth Rob Wynne Jack Youngerman Elyn Zimmerman