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“Everyone deserves to experience the arts. No child should need a permission slip to dream. Art is not a privilege. Art is the soul of our civilization; the beating heart of our humanity; a miracle to which we all should bear witness, over and over again, in every home—from the most modest and humble to the grandest and well-fashioned.”

— Darren Walker, FAPE Vice President
and President, Ford Foundation

Central to FAPE’s mission is to inspire and educate the next generation of artists and diplomats. We incorporate educational components into each of our programs. We host panel discussions, collaborate with Crayola to include FAPE’s Collection in its professional development materials, and engage with local communities during overseas installations. FAPE is honored to work with a group of strategic partners in order to make the biggest possible impact, including: Crayola, Studio in a School, the National Gallery of Art, Christie’s, U.S. Ambassadors, the cultural and public affairs officers at our U.S. embassies worldwide, among others.


FAPE Coloring Kit

FAPE’s coloring book featuring 16 images of FAPE’s Site-Specific Collection. Download a copy below.

The coloring kit includes a world map and stickers of the works in FAPE’s Site-Specific Collection. It also includes a catalogue about the Site-Specific Collection and a box of crayons, donated by Crayola. Please reach out to the FAPE office for a copy.


About the Designers

FAPE’s Coloring Kit represents a colorful collaboration between artists Donald Robertson and EunSun Lee of CMYK+WHITE, INC. Donald “Drawbertson” Robertson is the creative force behind Estée Lauder Company Brands. Many individuals may also recognize him for his colorful and whimsical illustrations commonly found on Instagram. Similar in nature to Robertson, CMYK+WHITE, INC. is known for creating unique design solutions for a wide range of clientele. Their passion for stimulating and inspiring individuals has led them to create beautiful graphic, motion, and interactive designs.

Donald Robertson’s Instagram | CMYK+WHITE, INC. Website