Sara Sosnowy

American, 1957

Sara Sosnowy is known for her paintings featuring repetitive abstract patterns in bold color. Her paintings have a strong sense of movement and tendency to engulf the canvas surface with a sense of depth and infinity. She received an MFA at Pratt Institute in 1989 after obtaining her BFA at Stephen F. Austin State University. Sosnowy has been awarded an Honorarium at The Drawing Center in New York, NY (1994), a Fifth Floor Foundation Grand in New York (1999), and a Mid Atlantic Art Foundation Fellowship, Baltimore (1996).

Throughout her career, Sosnowy has created works that explore strategies of representation and abstraction, and range in scale and medium. While certain works are quiet, minimalist color studies, others are dense maximalist patterning. Her pieces are characterized by their blazing color and Op Art-esque exploration of dynamic geometrics. Taking her patterns from disparate sources, the artist embraces repetition but eschews absolute precision, leaning instead toward an organic, charmingly imperfect progression of shapes.