Tomás Lasansky

American, 1957

Tomás Lasansky is an American artist and lives in Iowa City, Iowa.

“Tomás, the youngest of six artistic children, was trained at the knee of his father, Mauricio Lasansky, arguably the greatest printmaker and art educator of his generation. Following in the age-old tradition of artistic families, the father imparted to his son the meticulous skills and disciplines of his craft, imbuing Tomás with a natural fluency and mastery of drawing evident from his earliest works.”

-William Webster, Foreword, Icons and Muses

Since 1980, the iconic portrait paintings, drawings and prints of Tomás Lasansky have been included in more that 120 exhibitions and 30 solo shows, among them The Butler Museum of American Art and The Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame. His uniquely powerful images capture a dignified and empathetic vision of the inexhaustible American spirit, throughout the generations. His works are represented in the collections of U.S. Embassies and museums worldwide.

Courtesy of Lasansky Studio