Steven Sorman

American, 1948

Steven Sorman was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1948. Internationally known as a painter and printmaker, Sorman earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Minnesota in 1971. Sorman lives and works in Red Wing, Minnesota. He is best known for his multimedia, complex paintings, drawings and prints. Sorman is a master at orchestrating theme, line, layer, media, and color into challenging images that demand a rhythm of eye movement throughout his artwork.

Among museums internationally that include his work in their collections are the Stedkijk Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands, The Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, New York, the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, and Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Commissions include the Springhill Foundation, Prudential Insurance, IBM, Honeywell and Hyatt Regency. Sorman won the Bush Foundation Artist's Fellowship in 1979, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Merit World Print III Award in 1980, the Rockefeller Foundation American Center Artist in Residence in Paris in 1982 and the 2nd Bhrat Bhavan International Biennial of Prints Merit Award in 1991.

Courtesy Stewart & Stewart

Photographer: Malcolm Lubliner