Pascal Pierme

American, born France, 1962

  • Pierme considered being a foreigner an advantage for his creative process. He quickly discovered a different system, culture and new approaches – opening a new chapter in the young sculptor’s life. Now, nearly a quarter-century later, his career has blossomed in America. Accolades have been swift and abundant. Through apparent maturity in his work, he has been able to take more risks and evolve rapidly. Critics, curators, collectors and artists alike revere his ongoing bodies of work.

    Pierme’s work has been included in 80+ solo, museum and international exhibitions including the Chinese European Art Center – Xiamen, China; Palm Springs Museum of Art – Palm Springs, California; Phoenix Art Museum – Phoenix, Arizona; Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Annex – Santa Fe, New Mexico; Taos Museum of Art – Taos, New Mexico; French Consulate – New York, New York; Albuquerque Museum – Albuquerque, New Mexico and Ube Center of Art – Ube, Japan.

    Current works can be found in many permanent public collections, including: ABC; Roger Guillemin, Nobel Prize recipient, medicine; Palais Bulles, Pierre Cardin’s residence – Cannes, France; Tom Mottola, Casa Blanca Records – New York, New York; Trust for Public Land – Los Angeles, California; Marriott Hotels, Nationwide; City Hall – Collogny, Switzerland and Equifax World Headquarters, the list continues… Countless publications have featured his sculpture.

    In addition, ARTWORKinternational Inc. Press published Pierme in 2006 as part of their Acclaimed Artist Series. As well, Fresco Fine Art Edition has featured his work in their New Mexico Millenium and Abstract Art publications. In addition, Pierme has found charitable endeavors an important facet in his artistic career. With a heartfelt desire to give back, he has worked as an organizer and benefactor for several organizations relating to the promotion of the arts and the betterment of the community that he calls home. As a resident of Santa Fe, Pierme has contributed to: The Santa Fe Artist’s Emergency Medical Fund, National Dance Institute, Art in Schools, Taos Museum of Art, The Horse Power Project and Aid and Comfort, among many others.

Western Art and Architecture, Photography by Daniel Nadelbach