Josh Lehrer

American, 1963

For the past 25 years, Josh Lehrer has been an integral part of New York’s artistic community. He began his career as an actor, appearing on stage, screen and television in wide variety of roles. He later found his real passion in photography, but brought his actor’s sense of realism and irony to his photographic works. His most recent body of work, featuring large scale cyanotypes of homeless transgendered teenagers was recently given a show at Robert Miller Gallery in Chelsea.

For seven years, Josh served as the director of Showtime Network’s still photography, and oversaw all of its series, film, and identity campaigns.

Now that Josh has his own business, his work has focused on portraiture and thematic imagery with an eye toward social justice, as well as traditional magazine and promotional work.

Josh’s photographs have appeared all over the world in galleries and exhibitions, as well as in bound works and periodicals. His clients run the gamut from business leaders, Broadway legends and screen stars to large commercial enterprises.

Josh lives and works on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and is a graduate of Boston University’s School for the Arts and The International Center of Photography.